It is the courage and fearless nature in this creature which puts them ahead of the pack and the leader of their Pride…

Draw along with confidence…

I feel like an average day for the koala bear consists of sitting in her eucalyptus tree, eating all the leaves and feeling nothing but love and kindness for everything around her…


She is wonderful and gentle and is an easy example to follow…draw along…

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The octopus is complex and intuitive.  She represents the virtue of deep thought and will wear her emotions on all eight arms.  She is graceful and inspires me to be better and do better. This creature is a symbol of love that is felt from the beat from all three of her hearts…


As complex as she appears, take it one line at a time…

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The hummingbird is a creature of movement and grace.  They are symbols of courage and strength and independence and resilience and wisdom and optimism…just to name a few.  And I feel a sense of good luck when I see them up close…


There is good luck with every line…test your luck and draw along.

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Spending time in the little nook studio I created for myself over the last month plus. It’s a small space in the basement corner of the laundry and it fits my needs for now. It’s quiet and I have the room to myself. At times I prefer to work in silence, rather I forget to turn on music, or eat or drink water…the basics. Though, tonight I look to the musical device and select a handful of my favorite tracks, many of which I haven’t heard in several months; songs I play frequently while I cook or feed into the jukebox on a Thursday night at the clubhouse. The music begins and I settle in with my canvas. The volume is perfect and I have all that I need in this moment. I am humming along and the focus is where it needs to be. I sense a wave. My body feels light. My breath harmonic and my every movement intentional. I know what’s coming. A collaboration of grief and gratitude and fear and love and helplessness and exhaustion washes over as the music reaches crescendo…I bury my face in my hands. I feel no shame. I am connected. I have only so much control. I have been here before. All at once and more than once in recent weeks. It’s quiet. I feel a shift change and recognize the harmony return as I breath. My eyes are heavy and I know I am not long for the night. I fill my glass with water as I put myself and canvas to bed. The music has ended for now but will be with me again in the morning…

Who are these characters?

You may notice they have empty faces.  That do they look like? How are they feeling? What might you add to them?  How can you give them features, expressions and emotions?  This is up to you.  Print the images below and bring these characters to life.  Style up their clothes and color their hair…give them a background…Have fun!

You can also follow this little step-by-step tutorial…a simple instruction to creating your own characters…

If you want to create the same thing over and over and over, then you must practice, practice practice.   Draw it once, draw it twice then draw it again, and again and again…

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I invite you to collaborate with me.  Here’s the thing…

  1. Click and print your Mantis-Porthole.
  2. Create your own pictures within (and outside!) the window of the porthole.
  3. If you wish to share your work with me, please email an image of your finished art to I would LOVE to see the product of our collaboration!

I feel that in this current age we are all, ‘in the same boat’, so to speak; one giant mother-ship.  This is a project for people of all ages…create one or several!  Please share with your family, friends and neighbors…soon the seas will be less angry.

And if you’re feeling it, create your own…

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A neighborhood without a hardware store is a neighborhood in transition…


Inspired by the soundtrack to ‘Easy Rider’…tracks the route from LACA to NOLA…


The remaining shreds of lyrics were used to collage the cover and match the album credits on the back.  A block print carving in ode to volume one was stamped for the final layer…